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There are no salient word spaces in Mandarin Chinese. Thus, it is unclear whether word spacing information differentially affects the reading speed of children with and without reading difficulties (RD). In the present study, native Chinese-speaking children of differential reading abilities were tested with Chinese text in un-spaced versus spaced versions at different time points during training. The results indicated that spaced texts slow down reading speeds in children without RD. In contrast, spaced texts improved reading speeds in children with reading difficulties after some training took place. These findings suggest that the effect of word spacing information on Chinese reading might vary as a function of individual differences in reading abilities. We argue that children with RD can accommodate to the spaced text better than children without RD and that they can take advantage of using bottom-up spacing information to segment and recognize words in text.  相似文献   
Coping styles in youth living in foster care with a history of maltreatment were examined to determine the nature and stability of self-reported coping behavior over time. Participants included 542 (time 1), 377 (time 2), and 299 (time 3) youth ages 8–22 years (M = 13.28 years, SD = 3.04). Using the Behavioral Inventory of Strategic Control, a dimensional, continuous measure of coping, across four possible coping styles endorsed in reference to specific potentially stressful situations, the results indicated that direct action coping was the most frequently endorsed or preferred style for more than 50% of the sample at each time point. A number of youth endorsed using more than one coping style, indicating some flexibility in the approach to coping when problems occur. Although most youth endorsed a preferred style, coping style endorsed did vary somewhat over time. The coping style endorsed also varied depending on the type of problem referenced, but no statistically significant differences were noted across situations, including social, academic, general, and foster-specific situations. Effects for age were also examined and the results indicated no significant differences across the age range for type of coping most commonly endorsed. The present study is the first large-scale, longitudinal assessment of coping styles in youth in foster care and the results suggest that coping is not a simple, categorical-only construct and the implications for the endorsement of the direct approach for youth in foster care along with the other findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Active citizenship is increasingly being framed in the context of lifelong and life-wide learning. However, research on young people’s participation in and experience of different forms of civic practice, particularly in informal settings in different sociocultural contexts, is scarce. Consequently, little is known about how these experiences shape their learning about active citizenship, their understanding of the self and their relationship to society. This paper reports findings from a small-scale qualitative research on students’ experiences of participation in extra-curricular activities (ECAs) in a UK Transnational Higher Education institution in China, in relation to the development of active citizenship and lifelong learning capacity. The findings suggest ECAs can provide opportunities for students to accumulate knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values that underpin the promotion of active citizenship, while developing habits and skills essential for lifelong learning.  相似文献   
在网络时代,现代网站办公室空间的设计与选择成为人们关注的热点之一.如何出色地完成室内设计工作,使企业能以较少的投入取得更大的收益,成为设计者的首要任务.设计者不仅要考虑投入与产出的关系,更应关注“人性化”设计,“人性化”设计成为室内设计的关键问题,也成为检验一项设计好坏的重要标准.设计者应将独立空间的设计与“人”的各种因素结合起来,一切以人为中心,达到方便、舒适、高效的效果。  相似文献   
王昌龄五古与七绝风格之比较及其创作心态试析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛唐时期著名诗人王昌龄的诗歌创作成就 ,主要在五古和七绝两种体裁上。其五古显得严正肃然 ,高古劲健 ,饶有风骨 ;其七绝却呈现出华美婉丽、精工雕琢的诗风。前者反映了他对以陈子昂为代表的文学复古思潮的响应 ,后者则反映了他对文学复古思潮中矫枉过正的偏激有所修正的态度。将他在这两种诗体上表现出来的不同风格 ,与他的诗论结合起来考察 ,还可看出他以五古经营世务和以七绝遣兴抒怀的不同创作心态  相似文献   
在反对外来侵略的过程中,林则徐致力于了解夷情,学习西方先进的军事技术、经济思想、法律知识等;同时,也向西方传播和弘扬中国文化,促进了西方对中国文化的认识和了解,开创了中国近代初期的中西文化交流。因此,林则徐被称为中国近代开眼看世界的第一人。他接受外来新事物,介绍西方情况,吸收外来文化,开启了中国近代的维新思潮,是近代中西文化交融的实践者。林则徐对西方世界的认识及实践活动,林则徐对中西文化交流的贡献,值得学术界进一步研究。  相似文献   
介绍学习风格的概念、类型、特点和因素,论述学习风格理论对高职高专英语教学的指导意义,在此基础上分析高职高专英语教学现状,对不同类型的学习风格提出相应的英语教学建议。  相似文献   
二十世纪初年国学思潮兴起之时,四川于1912年首创国学院并刊行《四川国学杂志》,廖平、刘师培和刘成圻皆推动了四川国学的发展。抗日战争时期国学运动的中心向西南转移,科研机构和高等学校西迁,国学家和学者云集四川,特别是以顾颉刚为首的古史辨派和傅斯年领导的历史语言学派的发展壮大,给四川引入了新的国学观念和科学的考证方法。这使四川国学与主流学术融合,改变了国粹主义的态度和旧学的方法。1949年成都私立尊经国学专科学校的解体,标志四川国学运动的结束。四川国学运动是中国二十世纪国学的一个缩影,从中可见国学运动摆脱国粹的约束而走上新的科学道路的历程,从而可认识国学的真实性质及其历史经验对我们现在的学术意义。  相似文献   
在马克思主义中国化的进程中,中国的马克思主义者善于吸收借鉴中外优秀文化成果,不断推进理论创新,创立了包括邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想、科学发展观等在内的中国特色社会主义理论体系。人类优秀文化成果是中国特色社会主义理论体系的思想源泉。  相似文献   
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